
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus at Time Warner Arena in Charlotte

Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus in Charlotte NC © Katrena
Lions and tigers and elephants. And acrobats, aerialists, dogs, Shaolin Warriors, horses, motorcycles, and of course clowns. We didn't travel down a yellow brick road or on a roller coaster this time because we were headed to the "Greatest Show on Earth" on E. Trade Street in Charlotte, North Carolina.

JMan the Clown Gets Kids Excited About Circus at Salisbury Library © Katrena
When we saw that Rowan Public Library had teamed up with Ringling Bros. to offer free circus tickets for children who read five books, my kids were turning pages as quickly as the motorcyclists in the metal circle at the show. This year, 2013, marks the 142nd year of this famous circus that travels from city to city.

Circus at Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte North Carolina © Katrena
We decided to leave early after getting a tip from JMan the Clown that the pre-show begins an hour before the circus. We were in good company as we waited for the doors to open on a rather chilly Groundhog Day in 2013. Budget alert: be prepared to pay through the nose for parking (about $10) and make sure to bring correct change.

Meet Clowns and Other Performers in Ringling Circus Pre-show © Katrena
Before the show, guests were invited to come down to the main floor and mingle with many of the people we would later see dazzling the audience. Many of the performers had a few moments to provide an autograph and pose for a picture.

Barnum and Bailey Circus in North Carolina © Katrena
If you really like the elephants, plan to head to the ring that is closest to the Barnum and Bailey sign before the show. They brought out one of those majestic animals for everyone to see. One lady who waited outside with us had a seeing eye dog named Princess Wiggles. She was particularly excited about the pre-show because she was going to get a chance to pet the pachyderm. Her smile said it all as I caught a glimpse of her as that portion of the show ended.

Fun Ways to Get Fit at the Circus © Katrena
The pre-show offered some inflatible slides. The clowns encouraged audience participation with a game of limbo and lots of dancing and a bit of silliness. A Shaolin Warrior gave everyone the opportunity to practice a little bit of Qigong, a form of Kung Fu. This not only got the kids interested and involved but also provided a great opportunity for a little physical fitness.

Dragons Circus Show © Katrena
After the pre-show, we headed upstairs to our seats. For those who are on a tight budget, you can get great seats upstairs for significantly lower prices. Viewing from the side gave a great vantage point, and those with small kids might be glad to know that the bathrooms were less crowded up there before the show. I made all of these pictures higher pictures from my seat.

Ringling Bros Blue Circus Tour © Katrena
The circus was themed around Dragons as Paulo Dos Santos, a charismatic and talented midget, proved that he possessed wisdom, courage, heart, and strength to summon the elusive beast. My kids were particularly impressed when they learned that he had been in a production of The Wizard of Oz in earlier years.

Circus Elephants and Performers © Katrena
The animal shows were amazing. The Asian elephants came out several times as they performed a variety of feats and provided rides for various performers. My girls particularly enjoyed seeing an adorable calf come out near the beginning of the show. Smaller animals like dogs, cats, goats, and miniature horses also entertained guests.

Cossack Riders - Horseback Riding in the Circus © Katrena
The Cossack riders performed some difficult riding tricks on horseback. The horses were beautiful, and the riders possessed an amazing amount of strength, agility, and timing as the horses raced around the ring. Both men and women participated in the horseback riding stunts.

Lions and Tigers in Circus Together © Katrena
Alexander Lacey summoned an impressive show as lions and tigers followed his commands. These magnificant cats watched Mr. Lacey's every move and responded so quickly to the cues! This is a one-of-a-kind mixed cat show in America.

Acrobats on Teeterboard in Circus © Katrena
The Mighty Asadullins and Soaring Scalas offered incredible performances with a teeterboard, and some audience members had the opportunity to sit in the ring as they performed. The acrobats demonstrated awesome strength, balance, and timing.

Hanging by Hair at the Circus © Katrena
Part of the show was performed high above the floor as trapeze artists entertained and aerial artists showed impressive flexibility. My girls thought it was amazing how two ladies hung by their hair while performing. The sirens of the sky portion looked like huge Christmas tree ornaments hanging high above the arena with a woman inside of each ball. I noticed that instead of safety nets, a very watchful man stood under each performer.

Kung Fu Masters with Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus © Katrena
It was only after the show that I began to realize some of the feats of the Kung Fu masters as I looked at my pictures and read about their history. These young men displayed amazing concentration as they performed feats that most would think were impossible. According to the program booklet, they have been guided by Shaloin Monks since they were four years old. The picture above shows one balanced on top of spears.

Circus Clowns Encourage Audience Participation in Pre-show © Katrena
What is a circus without clowns? These entertainers delighted kids and adults with many antics throughout the show. They tried a few of the Kung Fu stunts clown-style and did a comical scene reminiscent of Rapunzel.

Torres Family Motorcycle Act with Barnum and Bailey Circus © Katrena
Motorcycles have also made their way under the Big Top with the Torres family and a couple of aerial troupes. Ringling Bros. has set a world record as eight riders circle a 16-foot steel globe traveling 65 miles per hour. My daughters were particularly impressed that one of the riders was a lady!

Air Troupe with Motorcycle on High Wire © Katrena
The entire show was illuminated with lights, videos, and sound effects. A live band played as well. A huge amount of work has gone into the choreography, costumes, and planning for this traveling show.

Blue Tour Ringling Bros Circus Performers Take a Bow © Katrena
Ringling Bros. also offers opportunities to learn more about their animals, a Facebook page, and interactive ways to enjoy the circus during the pre-show or after the show through videos, ringtones, the CircusFit program, conservation efforts, and more.

Fun Photo Opportunities at Charlotte Circus © Katrena
This was my daughters' first trip to the circus. It was a show that I am sure we will never forget! Learn more about the Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey circus at their official web site.

"The Greatest Show on Earth" in Charlotte NC © Katrena
Read more of Katrena's articles at Love 2 Travel With Kids and Travel NC With Kids.