
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hidden Mickeys at Walt Disney World

Hidden Mickey Trashcan Drums © Katrena
Families embarking on a Walt Disney World or Disneyland vacation may soon discover that the excitement wanes rather quickly while everyone stands in line. Although the wait times can vary greatly depending on the time of year, day of week, and time of day, children may begin to whine at the thought of standing and waiting for another ride, meal, or even the use of the restroom. Yes, you spent nearly a fortune to give the kids the opportunity to visit this iconic vacation destination, but they might not stand in utter awe as you snake in and out of one line to the next.

Hidden Mickey Formed from Towels and Washcloths - Photo by Kakisky
One way to help pass the time is to search for Hidden Mickeys. What are Hidden Mickeys? According to Steven M. Barrett, author of Hidden Mickeys: A Field Guide to Walt Disney World's Best Kept Secrets, an official Hidden Mickey is "a partial or complete image of Mickey Mouse that has been hidden by Disney's Imagineers and artists in the designs of Disney attractions, hotels, restaurants, and other areas." These hidden images probably began in the late 1970s or early 1980s when designers may have created subtle images depicting the famous mouse in Epcot when management had originally wanted to restrict characters such as Mickey and Minnie to the Magic Kingdom.

Hidden Mickey in Morocco Pavilion in Epcot - Photo by UpstateNYer
Most Hidden Mickeys are classic forms, showing three intersecting circles, representing Mickey Mouse's two round ears and the larger circular head. A few other images may include a profile version of the iconic mouse's face and may include the head or rest of his body. Mickey's clothing, such as gloves or shoes, handprints, or name or initials might also appear in unexpected places.

Hidden Mickey on Wallpaper in Pop Century Resort © Katrena
Of course, some controversy may occur when trying to determine whether or not something is a true Hidden Mickey. Those who are particularly serious about it the issue might argue that a true Hidden Mickey must be deliberate with proper proportions and design. Many Mickey images are far from hidden and might simply be deemed as decorative Mickeys by some, but they still can be loads of fun for the kids to hunt and find.

Hidden Mickey Benches at Disneyland - Photo by Terri Hodges
One can easily turn a Hidden Mickey search into something educational, encouraging the kids to look for circles and then see if they can find three circles that intersect. My kids get a kick out of seeing three circles come together in unexpected places at home or in places we visit and will exclaim that they have discovered yet another Hidden Mickey. Perhaps these are not the official ones, but to my knowledge, there is no official count. It is okay...there are no Hidden Mickey police poised to grab the kids and cuff them if they discover one that is not official!

Hidden Mickey Cactus Held by Goofy © Katrena
As areas within Disney are renovated, many unique architectural details may become no more while others may be added at any time. Some might only be visible from the sky or via Google images from above, while others may only be visible to Cast Members in restricted areas. I simply encouraged my kids to look up, down, and all around while standing in line for rides. They took it from there!

Hidden Mickeys at Walt Disney World © Katrena
Those who have visited Disney World several times who are up for a challenge may want to check out some of the Hidden Mickey scavenger hunts offered in Steven M. Barrett's book mentioned above. His field guide offers specific hints for finding many of these Hidden Mickeys, including many that are rather elusive, unusual, and not easily noticed.

Hidden Mickey in Aquarium at Epcot © Katrena
Related articles:
Hidden Mickeys on Lightposts at Disney World © Katrena
Visit Katrena's travel-related blogs, including Love 2 Travel With Kids and Travel NC With Kids, for more travel ideas. Katrena's Wildflower Bouquets blog offers free scavenger hunts, printables, and articles about enjoying simple pleasures with the family.