
Friday, July 5, 2013

Super Simple Games for Traveling with Kids: How Soon Can You Name the Tune

How to Entertain the Kids in the Car - Photo by Earl53
Traveling with children brings a whole new series of challenges for the person behind the steering wheel. Most of us simply were not wired to sit strapped to a seat for hours and hours, and the wise driver will stop at regular intervals and recognize that the breaks are time well invested.

When traffic is flowing and the weather is nice, putting a few more miles on the odometer can become less stressful with a few simple games. How Soon Can You Name the Tune? provides quick and easy entertainment with no supplies. You simply need to be able to carry a tune well enough for the song to be slightly recognizable.

We have played this game while being propelled to our next destination many, many times. My daughters enjoy this travel game as one of their top picks!

Fun Family Travel Games - Photo by Sten Porse
How to Play:
  1. You begin to hum a tune.
  2. When someone identifies the correct song, congratulate him/her - my kids will usually begin singing the whole song at this point! (I tend to pick a child to identify each tune to decrease the chance of the older kids dominating the game.)
  3. Give hints if needed for those songs that are hard to identify.
  4. Repeat with a new tune until you cannot think of any more songs.
Tips for Picking Tunes:
  1. Choose songs that you think the kids are likely to know.
  2. Select portions of a song that would be the most recognizable.
  3. It helps to become interested in what the children enjoy.
  4. We love Christmas music any time of the year!
  5. Consider a few patriotic songs.
  6. Try themes from favorite TV shows and movies.
  7. You might bring along some playlists, CDs, or cassettes to play before or after the game.
  1. Reverse roles and have the kids hum the tunes while you guess the name.
  2. Instead of humming, try "la la la-ing" or whistling.
  3. Go for a challenge song by sounding only the rhythm or beat.
  4. Slide to the silly side by having the kids burp the song, sing while pinching their noses or making it sound like they are underwater.
Simple Travel Game for Kids - Photo by choko
The joy of this game is in its simplicity, but you can easily add variety if the children are getting bored. Many kids particularly enjoy music and rhythms, and this game can help you to connect on that level. I have been surprised at how many lyrics my children can remember! I learn new songs from them while they also learn a few older ones from me while playing this game.

I hope you and those who are traveling with you enjoy this game! Find additional simple travel game ideas and find articles about many of my family's expeditions at Love 2 Travel With Kids and Travel NC With Kids.

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