
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Super Simple Travel Games for Kids: Punchbug!

Games to Play in the Car - Photo by Entheta at Wikimedia Commons
I rarely ever go anywhere without at least one child in the back seat. Usually I have three little girls behind me as we head for the hills, ride to the coast, or simply run errands. Traveling with kids can create many great memories, but it helps to have some game ideas as you go. Cranky kids aren't much fun when traveling, but simple games can often help the miles go by much quicker!

Punchbug! is one of the simplest travel games ever invented. I remember playing this game with my grandmother while riding around the southwestern corner of Virginia in the Appalachian Mountains. I also played with my siblings. Every once in a while, I actually won because I would watch for those Volkswagen Bugs like a hawk.

Find VW Bug on Road Trips - photo by Adrian Pingstone at Wikimedia Commons
How to Play Punchbug!
  1. Make sure the kids can recognize a Volkswagen Beetle (also known as a VW Bug).
  2. The first person to see a VW Beetle calls out "Punchbug!" (10 points each, 50 points for red).
  3. Other players cannot receive points for the same vehicle on that trip.
  4. The player with the most points wins.
Of course, you can create many variations on this game. On St. Patrick's Day we decided that green Beetles would be worth 100 points. Orange or black ones might be worth more on Halloween. You might even pick a different 50-point color each trip.

Travel Game for Kids - Photo by Sven Storbeck at Wikimedia Commons
You might want to give extra points for convertibles, ones with dogs in them, other colors, etc. Points can start over with each trip, or you might want to keep adding points for a certain number of days. Make the game however simple or elaborate you wish – the kids may come up with some great ideas for added bonus points with this game.

VW Beetle Game - Photo by bukk at Wikimedia Commons
When I first taught my daughters this game, it took them a while to be able to recognize a VW Beetle, but now even the 4-year-old is getting pretty good at recognizing them too. She especially loves to find the bright yellow one that a friend drives to the Y.

I'll give you fair warning – once you start playing this game, you might just have a continuous game going every time you travel in the car!

Fun and Easy Travel Game - photo by Lars-Göran Lindgren at Wikimedia Commons
I hope you enjoy this super simple travel game that is kid-friendly. Find more of my articles at the Love 2 Travel With Kids site map.

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