
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Super Simple Travel Games for Kids: Silly Guided Tour!

Fun and Easy Travel Game for Kids © Katrena
Traveling with children can be quite a challenge when they are bored and you are far from your destination. Actually, any amount of remaining miles can be challenging when backseat whining begins. This can be a great time to start a guided tour. The game requires nothing other than an imagination.

How to Keep the Kids Happy on a Road Trip - Photo by Sten Porse at Wikimedia Commons
I love to start the silly guided tour as the kids are getting in the car, but you can always pick up midstream if necessary. As everyone is buckling up, you might start with "Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the world famous Cavalier Couch guided tour. My name is Rainbow Ruth and I will be your guide today. Please ensure that your seat belts are fastened securely. In case of emergency, exits are located to your right and left. Smoking, whining, and sudden screaming because you just saw a bug in the window are strictly prohibited. Once again, welcome, and we hope you enjoy your tour and please ensure that the car comes to a full and complete stop before unbuckling your seat belt." Now you'll have their attention.

Silly Guided Tour Travel Game - Photo by at Wikimedia Commons
You really don't have to know the area, but if you do, throw in some real life facts for the sake of education. Be creative! You might be traveling through Skunk Valley, Buzzard Boulevard, Moonshine Meadow, or Possum Crossing. Have the kids look in lots of different directions as you point out these amazing places. Maybe you will decide to pass a world-famous pothole, created by a falling asteroid that looked like a huge purple pumpkin or perhaps you'll see a chocolate factory that has been visited by tons of actors and royal families.

Simple and Fun Travel Game © Katrena
Make it wild, wacky, silly, and funny. Accents work well for getting farther into character while going more miles down the road. If you begin to run out of ideas, you can always mention that it is now time for intermission where the patrons can try their vocal cords on their favorite song. Try handing the tour over to one of the kids and let them have at it if you need to focus more closely on directions in unfamiliar areas. They will likely have some very creative ideas to share.

How to Make Vacation Travel Time More Fun © Katrena
My kids tend to be laughing before we get out of the driveway when I start a silly guided tour. This game has endless possibilities and can work for any length of trip. Everybody who smiles, giggles, or laughs wins!

I hope you have great results with this simple game. Find more creative travel games and articles about traveling with kids at the Love 2 Travel With Kids site map.

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